RelyMD Bolsters its Telehealth Platform with Mental Health Services via CuraLinc Partnership
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RelyMD RelyMD
Online and mobile users can access mental health care and resources

ATLANTA - eMusicWire -- RelyMD, a telehealth provider specializing in direct-to-patient and subscription-based employee healthcare for medium-to-large-sized businesses, schools, and universities, is adding mental health services to its platform through a partnership with Chicago-based CuraLinc Healthcare.

CuraLinc mental health services roll out on the RelyMD platform October 1, 2023, for users and clients.

"RelyMD is looking to be a go-to, telehealth provider for medical and mental health care, both as a direct-to-consumer service and as a benefit offered by organizations," says Phillip Ndowu, RelyMD Director of Technical Operations. "Telehealth is an effective and efficient alternative to traditional healthcare. It's easy, accessible, online, and available via mobile devices as well. Patients can access comprehensive care 24/7, with RelyMD doctors available any time of day in more than 30 states."

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Specializing in "transformative mental health care, fueled by connectivity," CuraLinc offerings are designed to engage employees in supporting mental health services and to mitigate employer and employee risk by building a physically and mentally healthy workforce.

Ndowu describes the partnership as "a great opportunity to show the dynamism of RelyMD and the breadth of services that we offer to employers," especially in a market defined by rising healthcare costs. RelyMD is a subsidiary of Atlanta-based ApolloMD, a physician-owned and -operated clinical outsourcing firm.

When the RelyMD-CuraLinc partnership rolls out, patients who log into the RelyMD platform for a medical telehealth visit will be presented the option to access a CuraLinc mental health professional and other available mental health resources. CuraLinc professionals and services can address depression, anxiety, abuse, addiction, family/work issues, or other topics.

For more information about the RelyMD- CuraLinc partnership and services, visit or email Account Executive Jessica Bloch at

Account Executive Jessica Bloch

Source: RelyMD

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