The importance of parent and carer partnerships in early education and care
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To many of us, our parents and carers are our heroes. They are the grown-ups we come to depend on and that support us as we grow.

HUDDERSFIELD, U.K. - eMusicWire -- Within early education and care recognising the superpowers of parents and carers is crucial to developing secure, sustained and sincere partnerships with families.

The time spent in the main home, the relationships built within it and the activities that take place within it all contribute to the home learning environment, which is shown to have one of the greatest impacts on children's outcomes, not only for academic outcomes but also for cognitive and social emotional development.

Parents and carers as partners

Parent and carer partnerships are as unique as the children we work with, so it is impossible to define the same expectations and purposes for everyone.

Broadly speaking, however, parent and carer partnerships are all about building a strong connection and effective communication between the family and the setting, with the common objective of supporting the child to develop and grow in a safe, healthy and happy environment.

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But, it isn't all about the adults! Whether a parent, carer, family member or professional, we are all united by the common interest in what is the best for children. It makes sense then that our partnerships are built on our priority to support children but also that children are included within the partnership.

The Triangle of Trust refers to "a deeper level of kinship between child, parent and early years practitioner" where attention is paid to the interconnectedness of relationships, acknowledging the special role that professionals play with children, as well as the unparalleled impact of the parent/carers at home and how professionals relate with parents/carers.

Children spend up to five years of their lives in early education and care settings, but their lifetime is influenced by family engagement and attitude, which is why it is so important to harness the power of these special relationships throughout the early years.

Developing parent and carer relationships

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Let's have a look at some of the ways we can use to build meaningful relationships with families at different stages of the child's journey through early education and care.

Sowing the seeds in the baby room

Professionals in the baby room are likely to be the most familiar with settling children and their parents/carers into early education and care provisions for the first time. This is a huge transition for the children involved but it is also a big moment for the adults who are trusting their children to your care.


Wilson Mendes

Source: Institute of Early Years Education

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