TVS Consumer Direct.Com Opens For Business With Several TVS Records CD Offers
eMusic Wire/10254718

The E Commerce arm of the TVS Television Network is now up and running, offering CD versions of TVS Records artists Capehart Pops Orchestra and Boomin Reunion Band as the initial offerings.

CALIFORNIA CITY, Calif. - eMusicWire -- TVSConsumerDirect.Com has opened for business to sell TVS Records and TVS Home Video CD and DVD products on a direct to consumer basis. The site is powered by Square. Initial CD offerings come from TVS Records artists Capehart Pops Orchestra, Boomin Reunion Band, and Conchetto Rocco.

Capehart Pops Orchestra is showcasing the 4 CD set entitled 'Senior Prom', which consists of 48 songs that were popular for Baby Boomers at proms in the 1960's and 1970's. The songs, as seen in the Saturday Evening Post,  are rendered in an easy listening, instrumental style once called 'Beautiful Music'.

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Boomin Reunion Band is showcasing a 4 CD set entitled 'Transistor Anthems'. The songs are from the sound track of the Boomin Reunion TV show, which featured the Boomin Reunion Band with dozens to top pop singers from the era reprising their hits on a live basis. Guest artists include Al Wilson, Spencer Davis, Cannibal + the Headhunters, Jewel Akens, Chuck Jackson, Jean Knight,  Pete Rivera (Rare Earth), Mitch Ryder, Jim Yester (Association), Lou Christie, Chris Montez and dozens more.

Conchetto Rocco is a cool jazz ensemble playing the top hits of the 20th Century in the cool jazz tradition.

Tom Ficara

Source: TVS Television Network
Filed Under: Music, #TVSTVNetworks

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